Support LLBC
We are very grateful for how God has blessed Lake Lundgren Bible Camp since 1935 and we eagerly anticipate how He will work here in the future. If you are familiar with camp at all you know that in order to keep camper costs down we ask those who love camp to donate as the Lord leads them. For some, financial gifts are how God calls them to give. For others a donation of their time or material goods is how God chooses to use them to bless LLBC.
If you would like to make a financial gift to camp and would like it to go where there is the greatest need, please feel free to call camp (715) 324-5457 and speak with the director, Troy Meissner. Or, simply indicate in your gift to “apply where needed most”.
Missionary staff support
Each of our Missionary Staff at Lake Lundgren Bible Camp has answered a unique calling from God to serve in this ministry and their salaries are not guaranteed by the camp itself; instead, they rely entirely on the financial generosity of individuals, churches, and organizations who feel led to support their mission.
Give online!
Make Giving Easier – Consider On-line Contributions!
This online contribution program is an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) option that allows you to give without writing a check. It is easy and convenient for you, and it saves handling and postage costs for camp. Your bank will automatically transfer the amount you specify. You can make a special one-time gift, or you can set up a recurring gift to make sure your support is never skipped. We can assure you that this is a safe and secure transaction, and you may cancel at any time. This program is strictly voluntary for your convenience.
You may change the amount of your recurring contribution by going to the donation page and selecting, “update an existing donation”.
Give by check
If you would like to give via check, make the check out to Lake Lundgren Bible Camp with a note included designating who it is for , and send it to:
Lake Lundgren Bible Camp
N18250 Lake Lane
Pembine, WI 54156
Both options are tax-deductible, with receipts provided.
Remembering Mike
In honor of Mike, our regular camper scholarship fund has been renamed to the Hryshkanych Scholarship Fund. There are many campers who want to come to camp, but can’t afford it, which was why the scholarship fund was originally set up.
One of Mike’s biggest passions was to clear the way for kids to come to camp, and gifts given to this fund will continue to help make this happen.