Mountain Biking Trip
Date: July 7-12, 2025 | Grades: 9th-12th, co-ed trip | $358
Biking trips are a lower difficulty. Aside from the physical endurance needed to ride a significant part of each day, all of the gear is held within the vehicle near the camp site–which means there is not a lot of hauling equipment. Since the vehicles are nearby each day, foods held in coolers are provided which means that the food is more like what you would eat at home (versus freeze tried packaged meals).
The Mountain Bike Trip will take place in the Chequamegon National Forest, located in North-Central Wisconsin (approx. 200 miles west of Lake Lundgren Bible Camp). We will be peddling on mountain bike trails made by the CAMBA (Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association), which include over 300 miles of trails ranging from easy to difficult.
Depending on weather and trail conditions, our typical day starts off at around 7:30am and includes peddling anywhere between ten and thirty miles each day before setting up camp. Some days we will come back to the same campsite, some days we’ll relocate our “base camp” to a new area. Each evening will include devotions and reflection time.
There is no shortage of incredible sights, as the trails meander around multiple lakes, over bridges, and through a beautiful part of God’s creation. There is so much to see on this trip!
* LLBC provides need-based, partial scholarships for all camp programs. Get the scholarship form here.